Professional Nail Colors for Job Interviews
How to Do Your Nails for a Job Interview
Curious Which Nail Looks to Wear to Your Interview? We Asked Hiring Managers for Their Thoughts And This Is What We Found Out!!
What Color Nail Polish Is Appropriate for your Job Interviews?
Any nude or light pink shade is perfectly acceptable. If you do want a bolder look, go for a classic color, such as pink or red. If you really feel like adding a little extra color to your look, you could pair your pink or red nails with a lipstick in a similar shade. Professional nail colors for interviews include neutral pinks and beiges. ... Stick to sheer colors, taupe, beige or clear nail polish and ensure your nails are well-manicured.
Is it OK to wear dark nail polish to an interview?
While you may not need to wear a full suit to the interview, and have a little more flexibility when it comes to accessories (including nail color) don't get too crazy here either. It's still a good idea to stick with neutrals and don't go too dark or too bright or flashy.